Creating your own split logic

If the previous built-in options are not what you are looking for, there is also the option of implementing your own!

For this, ZenML provides the BaseSplit interface that you can subclass in a standard object-oriented manner to define your own custom split logic.

from zenml.steps.split import BaseSplit

class MyCustomSplit(BaseSplit):

# your custom split logic follows

There are two main abstract methods that you have to implement to be able to use your custom split with ZenML’s own split component, partition_fn and get_split_names. The former returns your custom partition function along with its keyword arguments for use in ZenML’s split component. To be eligible in use in a Split Step, the partition function needs to adhere to the following design contract:

  1. The signature is of the following type:

def my_partition(element, n, **kwargs) -> int,

where n is the number of splits.

  1. The partition_fn only returns signed integers i less than n, i.e. 0 ≤ i ≤ n - 1.

Then, the class method partition_fn returns the tuple (my_partition, kwargs) consisting of your custom partition function and its keyword arguments.

The second method get_split_names needs to return a list of data split names used in your ZenML pipeline. These can be different depending on your target workload.

A quick example

Now that the theoretical flow is in place, we can quickly give an example by building a partition function that splits data into train and eval sets based on whether an integer feature in the data is odd or even.

from zenml.steps.split import BaseSplit
from zenml.steps.split.utils import get_categorical_value

def OddEvenPartitionFn(element, num_partitions, int_feature):

    # get integer value of int_feature from the element
    int_value = get_categorical_value(element, int_feature)
    return int_value % 2

class OddEvenSplit(BaseSplit):
    def __init__(self, 
                 int_feature: Text,
        self.int_feature = int_feature
    def partition_fn(self):
        return OddEvenPartitionFn, {"int_feature": self.int_feature}
    def get_split_names(self):
        return ["train", "eval"]

Note that we could not have done the same logic with a categorical split, since the split above does not assume any knowledge about which integers are present beforehand. For a categorical split to work as built into ZenML, prior knowledge about the categorical domain of the feature has to be present.