What is a step?

Conceptually, a Step is a discrete and independent part of a pipeline that is responsible for one particular aspect of data manipulation inside a ZenML pipeline. For example, a SplitStep is responsible for splitting the data into various split’s like train and eval for downstream steps to then use.

A ZenML installation already comes with many standard steps found in zenml.core.steps.* for users to get started. However, it is easy and intended for users to extend these steps or even create steps from scratch as it suits their needs.

Architectural overview

The implementation of Steps in ZenML follow a few architectural design choices.

1. Steps follow a specific order ZenML Steps usually have hard dependencies on upstream Steps being executed. Pipelines always follow the resulting order of steps:

└─> SplitStep  
└──> (optional) SequenceStep  
 └──> PreprocessStep  
  └──> TrainerStep  
   └──> EvaluatorStep  
    └──> (optional) DeployerStep 

2. Every step generates serialized TFRecords
To ensure uniform interoperability between Steps, all Steps use serialized TFRecords as their final output. The output objects are persisted in the Artifact store, and following steps consume TFRecords as input from the Artifact store.

Noteable exceptions:

  • DataStep: The DataStep can but does not have to consume TFRecords as input, as it’s sourcing data from your specified data soure.

  • TrainerStep: The Trainer outputs the final trained model.

  • EvaluatorStep: The EvaluatorStep only consumes TFRecords.

  • DeployerStep: The DeployerStep will deploy your trained model to a backend of your choosing.

3. Steps can have backends ZenML is built with integrations in mind. As an immediate effect, Steps can have backends. Backends can be general-purpose, e.g. the standard GCP or AWS Orchestrator Backends will be fully capable of running all steps. However, not every step is compatible with every backend. This becomes perfectly clear when we look at specialized training backends like Google AI Platform or AWS Sagemaker. These backends are incompatible with e.g. a DataStep or a SplitStep, only a TrainerStep can utilize such a specialized backend. Please check the configuration for a specific backend to learn more about limitations.

4. Custom Steps ZenML ships with batteries included, but your needs might differ. Therefore we’ve made it easy to build custom steps to your unique requirements. Read on to learn more.

Repository functionalities

You can get all your steps using the Repository class:

from zenml.repo import Repository

repo: Repository = Repository.get_instance()

# Print all version stamped steps used in repository pipelines 

# Get all versions of a particular step

# Get a step by the sha
sha = '63e3948300b3f5f9cf6bf42587f7ee84efbb939a'
repo.get_step_by_version('module.step.MyStep', sha)

Creating a custom step


Before creating your own step, please make sure to follow the general rules for extending any first-class ZenML component.

While there are many ready-to-use Standard Steps in the zenml package, it will be more often than not needed to create one’s own logic while actually using ZenML.

All ZenML steps need to inherit from the BaseStep class found here.

Creating a completely custom step

A completely custom step has only one core requirement: It must call the super().__init__(**params) where params is a dict of consisting of all parameters that are required to instantiate the step instance.


Only use kwargs with custom step instances. Simple args are not allowed and will result in unexpected behavior.

Utilizing standard Step Interfaces

While a completely custom step might be neccessary for behavior not captured in the ZenML design, more often than not, it will be enough to extend one of the standard step interfaces in your pipelines. These are defined as:

  • DataStep interface to create custom datasources.

  • SplitStep interface for custom splitting logic.

  • SequencerStep interface for custom preprocessing of sequential data.

  • PreprocessStep interface for custom preprocessing logic.

  • TrainerStep interface for custom training logic.

  • EvaluatorStep interface for custom evaluation logic.

  • DeployerStep interface for custom deployment logic.

Each StepInterface has its own functions to override and details can be found on their individual doc pages referenced above.

Relation to TFX Components

Most standard steps are currently higher-level abstractions to TFX components, just like ZenML pipelines are higher-level abstractions of TFX pipelines.