Fetching artifacts

The only requirement for the structure of any ZenML repository is that it should be a Git enabled repository. ZenML works on some assumptions of the underlying git repository that it is built on top of.


ZenML has the following core components:

Each component has its own intricacies and its own rules of precisely how to extend them. However, there are some rules that are general when writing ZenML code:

  • All components have Base classes, e.g., BaseDatasource, BasePipeline, BaseStep etc that need to be inherited from.

  • All custom classes must exist within their own module (directory) in a ZenML repo.

  • All components follow the same Git-pinning methodology outlined below.

Integration with Git

ZenML does not reinvent the wheel or interfere too much with established workflows. When it comes to versioning of code, this means a solid integration into Git.

Concretely, ZenML optionally uses Git SHAs to resolve your version-pinned pipeline code.

At pipeline run time, ZenML ties into your local Git history and automatically resolves the SHA into usable code. Every pipeline configuration will persist the combination of the class used, and the related SHA in the pipeline config. The format used is: class@git_sha, where:

  • class: a fully-qualified python import path of a ZenML-compatible class, e.g. my_module.my_class.MyClassName __

  • git_sha (optional): a 40-digit string representing the commit git sha at which the class exists

You can, of course, run your code as-is and maintain version control via your own logic and your own automation. This is why the git_sha above is optional: If you run a pipeline where the class is not committed (i.e. unstaged or staged but not committed), then no git_sha is added to the config. In this case, each time the pipeline is run or loaded the class is loaded as is from the class path, directly from the working tree’s current state.

{% hint style=”warning” %} While it is faster to just keep running pipelines with un-pinned classes, each un-pinned class adds a technical debt to the ZenML repository. This is because there are no guarantees of reproducibility once a pipeline has a class that is un-pinned. We strongly advise always to commit all code before running pipelines. {% endhint %}

Versioning built-in methods

Since ZenML comes with a lot of batteries included, and as ZenML is undergoing rapid development, we’re providing a way to version built-in methods, too.

Specifying the version of a built-in method will be persisted in the pipeline config as step.path@zenml_0.1.0. E.g. zenml.steps.data.bq_data_step.BQDataStep@zenml_0.1.4

What happens under-the-hood?

When running a version-pinned piece of code, ZenML loads all sha-pinned classes from your git history into memory. This is done via an - immediately reversed - in-memory checkout of the specified sha.

Safe-guards with in-memory loading

In order to ensure this is not a destructive operation, ZenML does not allow the in-memory checkout if any of the files in the module folder where the class resides is un-committed. E.g. Attempting to load my_module.step.MyStepClass@sha1 will fail if the my_module.step has any uncommitted files.

Organizing code

It is important to understand that when a pipeline is run, all custom classes used, whether they be Steps, Datasources, or Backends under-go a so-called git-resolution process. This means that wherever there is a custom class referenced in a Pipeline, all files within the module are checked to see if they are committed or not. If they are committed, then the class is successfully pinned with the relevant sha. If they are not, then a warning is thrown but the class is not pinned in the corresponding config. Therefore, it is important to consider not only the file where custom logic resides but the entire module. This is also the reason that upwards relative imports are not permitted within these class files.

We recommend that users follow our recommendations on how to structure their ZenML repositories, to avoid any potential Git-related issues.

Example of how ZenML + Git function together

Let’s say we created a TrainerStep and placed it in our ZenML repository here:

│   requirements.txt
│   pipeline_run.py
    │   __init__.py
        │   my_trainer_step.py
        |   __init__.py

where the contents of my_trainer_step.py are:

from zenml.steps.trainer import BaseTrainerStep

class MyAwesomeTrainer(BaseTrainerStep):
    def run_fn(self, *args, **kwargs):
        a = 1
        # create a great trainer here.

If we commit everything and then run a pipeline like so:

from zenml.pipelines import TrainingPipeline
from trainers.my_awesome_trainer.my_trainer_step import MyAwesomeTrainer

training_pipeline = TrainingPipeline(name='My Awesome Pipeline')

# Fill in other steps

# Add a trainer


Then the corresponding pipeline YAML may look like:

version: '1'

    args: {}
    source: trainers.my_awesome_trainer.my_trainer_step.MyAwesomeTrainer@e9448e0abbc6f03252578ca877bc80c94f137edd

Notice the source key is tagged with the full path to trainer class and the sha e9448e0abbc6f03252578ca877bc80c94f137edd. If we ever load this pipeline or step using e.g. repo.get_pipeline_by_name() then the following would happen:

  • All files within the directory trainers/my_awesome_trainer/ would be checked to see if committed or not. Only if all files are committed properly would ZenML allow for loading the pipeline.

  • The directory repository/trainers/my_awesome_trainer/ would be checked out to sha e9448e0a. This is achieved by executing git checkout e9448e0a -- trainers/my_awesome_trainer/

  • The module is loaded using the standard Python importlib library.

  • The git checkout is reverted.

{% hint style=”info” %} We change e9448e0abbc6f03252578ca877bc80c94f137edd to e9448e0a for readability purposes. {% endhint %}

This way, all ZenML custom classes can be used in different environments, and reproducibility is ensured.