Registering a new datasource

Overview: BaseDatasource

ZenML automatically tracks (metadata store) and versions (artifact store) all data that flows through its pipelines. The BaseDatasource interface defines how to create a datasource. In the definition of this interface, there is only one method called process.

class BaseDatasource:

    def process(self):


The goal of the process is to read from the source of the data and write to the output_path the data in the form of TFRecords, which is an efficient, standardized format to store ML data that ZenML utilizes internally. These TFRecords in turn are read downstream in pipelines. A schema and statistics are also automatically generated for each datasource run.

def process(output_path, make_beam_pipeline):

A quick example: the built-in CSVDataSource

{% hint style=”info” %} The following is an overview of the complete step. You can find the full code right here. {% endhint %}

class CSVDatasource(BaseDatasource):

    def __init__(
            name: Text,
            path: Text,
            schema: Dict = None,
        self.path = path
        self.schema = schema
        super().__init__(name, path=path, schema=schema, **kwargs)

    def process(self, output_path: Text, make_beam_pipeline: Callable = None):
        wildcard_qualifier = "*"
        file_pattern = os.path.join(self.path, wildcard_qualifier)

        if path_utils.is_dir(self.path):
            csv_files = path_utils.list_dir(self.path)
            if not csv_files:
                raise RuntimeError(
                    'Split pattern {} does not match any files.'.format(
            if path_utils.file_exists(self.path):
                csv_files = [self.path]
                raise RuntimeError(f'{self.path} does not exist.')

        # weed out bad file exts with this logic
        allowed_file_exts = [".csv", ".txt"]  # ".dat"
        csv_files = [uri for uri in csv_files if os.path.splitext(uri)[1]
                     in allowed_file_exts]'Matched {len(csv_files)}: {csv_files}')

        # Always use header from file'Using header from file: {csv_files[0]}.')
        column_names = path_utils.load_csv_header(csv_files[0])'Header: {column_names}.')

        with make_beam_pipeline() as p:
            p | 'ReadFromText' >>
                skip_header_lines=1) \
            | 'ParseCSVLine' >> beam.ParDo(csv_decoder.ParseCSVLine(
                delimiter=',')) \
            | 'ExtractParsedCSVLines' >> beam.Map(
                lambda x: dict(zip(column_names, x[0]))) \
            | WriteToTFRecord(self.schema, output_path)

{% hint style=”warning” %} An important note here: As you see from the code blocks that you see above, any input given to the constructor of a datasource will translate into an instance variable. So, when you want to use it you can use self, as we did with self.path. {% endhint %}

And here is how you would use it:

from zenml.pipelines import TrainingPipeline
from zenml.steps.split import RandomSplit

training_pipeline = TrainingPipeline()


ds = CSVDatasource(name='Pima Indians Diabetes',

# to create a version

# if ds.commit() not called, it is later called internally.


Each time the user calls ds.commit() a new version (snapshot) of the data is created via a data pipeline defined through the process method.